You are viewing information on version v1 of the Winnipeg Transit Open Data Web Service API. This version has been deprecated.

API (v1)

Overview (deprecated)


Other versions

  • v3 Overview
  • v2 Overview (supported)
  • Stops API

    Stops are locations where we have scheduled service.

    Valid URL Parameters

    street Only return stops on the street identified by the given street key.
    route Only return stops serviced by the route identified by the given route number.
    variant Only return stops serviced by the variant identified by the given variant key.
    x The UTM X coordinate of the point to find stops near. Use in conjunction with 'y' and 'distance'.
    y The UTM Y coordinate of the point to find stops near. Use in conjunction with 'x' and 'distance'.
    lat The latitude of the point to find stops near. Use in conjunction with 'lon' and 'distance'.
    lon The longitude of the point to find stops near. Use in conjunction with 'lat' and 'distance'.
    distance The distance in metres from the given point which returned stops must fall within.
    walking If set to true, the radius distance is calculated as walking distance.


    Login to see sample results.


    • stops/10064?usage=long
    • stops/1
    • stops/invalid


    • stops?distance=150&x=633861&y=5525798
    • stops?distance=150&x=633861&y=5525798&walking=true
    • stops?distance=250&lat=49.895&lon=-97.138
    • stops?street=2716
    • stops?route=16
    • stops?variant=16-1-K
    • stops?distance=100&x=633861&lon=-97.1372
    • stops


    • stops:osborne
    • stops:mcgreg
    • stops:

    Explore the API

    Login to explore the Stops API.

    Noteworthy Results

    key A unique identifier for this stop.
    name The stop name. See the usage parameter for formatting options.
    number The stop number.
    direction Specifies which direction buses which service the stop are heading.
    side Specifies which side of the intersection the stop lies on.
    street|cross-street The two streets which define the nearest intersection. See the Streets service for more details.
    centre A geographical point describing where the stop is located. Both UTM and geographic coordinate systems are provided.
    distances Contains distance information in metres. Only included when a point is provided in the URL parameters.
    distances/direct As-the-crow-flies distance to the point provided by the URL parameters.
    distances/walking Walking distance to the point provided by the URL parameters. Only included if the 'walking' parameter is set.